Saturday, April 21, 2007

Paper Update: Part II

While drawing on the articles I have read and the research materials I have gathered, I feel that the best way to position this paper is to describe what exactly Second Life is and how it is being utilized by both residents and companies and then make a recommendation to companies as to how best utilize this new and quickly growing technology and medium. One of the most helpful articles I have uncovered has been Keeler’s article entitled, “Out of This World.” He claims that, “the companies that benefit will be those that are visionary enough to see the real potential in the virtual.” I feel that this is a great theme to incorporate throughout my entire paper. The following is a concise outline of my paper.

Second Life: Simply A Game?
A. Introduction: Another emerging technology and innovation sparks
B. What is Second Life:
a. Blurred lines between virtual world and actual life
b. Representation of self through Avatar
c. Practices within Second Life
d. Currency
C. Real world Business enters the Virtual Marketplace
a. Business adapts to new technology and uses it to leverage business
b. Corporate presence booms
c. Examples of business entry, success and failure
i. Entertainment industry creates buzz
d. Business entry troubles Second Life participants
D. Marketing within Second Life
a. Who is the target audience?
i. Actual user or avatar?
E. Creating Customer Experiences
a. Tailored experiences for each individual
b. What does Second Life give to residents to keep them coming back?
F. Recommendation: Looking Forward
a. Parallels to the internet boom
b. How should companies respond?
c. Lack of physical constraints
G. Conclusion

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